The Business Diaries is a quarterly storytelling event where we uncover the stories that shape the business owners. The podcast allows us to chat further to the entrepreneurs that have shared a story at one of our events. Storytelling is a remarkable way to get to know, like and trust the owner behind the brand.

Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
The Business Diaries Podcast Episode 26 Kirsten Gibbs
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Self-service-checkout or manned checkout – which do you use when you are shopping?
In this month’s episode, we revisit a story shared at one of our live events in Medway, by self-confessed ‘process-geek’ Kirsten Gibbs. Kirsten reminds us of a precious moment of human contact, and an opportunity for kindness shared at a manned supermarket checkout.
In our discussion, Lisa and Islay discuss customer experience vs automation, how smaller businesses may have the edge when it comes to great customer service and, intriguingly, how comparisons can be made between business processes and scores of music.
This episode is packed with tips, takeaways and key learnings.
Kirsten’s website is https://gibbsandpartners.com/ and she can be found on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirstengibbs/

Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
The Business Diaries Podcast Episode 25 2021 Review Part Two
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
In Part Two of our reviews of 2021, hosts Lisa and Islay, along with Chris Pollard, reflect on the stories shared by our storytellers from August-November and some of the key themes covered in our discussions.
Join us as we look back on what resonated for the three of us. Whilst we each highlighted different aspects, we all agree that our storytellers were inspiring, sometimes sad, always motivating and heart-warming.
Once again, we were reminded that triumph can come out of tragedy, opportunity knocks when you least expect it, and just how resilient and capable we all can be.
Thanks for listening and we hope you will enjoy our storytellers in 2022.

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
The Business Diaries Podcast Episode 24 2021 Review Part One
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
In this episode, hosts Lisa and Islay, along with a past storyteller and co-host of some of the Business Diaries Live events, Chris Pollard, reflect on the stories shared by our storytellers from January through to July this year and some of the key themes covered in our discussions.
Join us as we look back on what resonated for the three of us. Whilst we all highlighted different aspects, we all agree that our storytellers were inspiring, sometimes sad, always motivating and heart-warming.
We are consistently reminded that triumph can come out of tragedy, opportunity knocks when you least expect it, and just how resilient and capable we all can be.
Thanks for listening and being with us for another year. Part 2 will be aired in January 2022.

Monday Nov 01, 2021
The Business Diaries Podcast Episode 23 Paul Cheese
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Show notes
Did you know that the sound of Kent is D Major? In this month’s Business Diaries Podcast, Paul Cheese shares his fascination with sounds, particularly the everyday sounds around us. We find out why dropping a skip in a car park made as much of an impression as oystercatchers in Ipswich, fountains in Sheffield and kicking the bar in Aberystwyth.
Paul is a professional musician, sound artist, producer, singer, cyclist, songwriter. His latest project is TheBigREcordUK https://www.thebigrecord.com/ He cycled around 5000 miles to every region of the UK to capture the sounds of people & places, then used these to create a new song, The Sound Of The UK.
As well as creating the opening titles music for the Business Diaries Podcast, he has written and recorded music in locations all over the world. From the tops of mountains to deep underground, old places, new places and even underwater, from pillar boxes to ice caves, the Australian bush to the Grand Canyon…
Paul can be found https://www.paulcheese.com/

Monday Oct 04, 2021
The Business Diaries Podcast Episode 22 Corina Goetz
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
In this month’s episode, our storyteller Corina Goetz shares how her work changed overnight as a result of the pandemic, and how trying something new, revitalised her life, health and work. This is a fascinating episode, and we don’t want to the give the surprise away – but would you do this?
Corina runs Star-CaT, providing 5-star Middle Eastern training, coaching and sales representation from professional and companies working with the Middle East. She has worked with many clients, particularly from the Gulf region, for over 20 years, establishing many long-standing relationships. She travels the region extensively acts as the key point of contact in London for her clients.
Corina can be found at https://www.star-cat.co.uk/ and on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/corinagoetz/
Wim Hof: https://www.wimhofmethod.com/

Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
The Business Diaries Podcast Episode 21 Chris Pollard
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
In this episode, we revisit a story shared at the inaugural Business Diaries Live event in 2017, when the theme was “working away”. As buyer and seller in the fashion and textiles industry, Chris Pollard travelled frequently, experiencing different cultures and customs. In this episode, he shares a few of his adventures, including a ‘special meal’ and a particularly terrifying aspect of a seemingly ordinary journey.
In the discussion, we consider the importance of empathy and listening when working and travelling abroad, and the value of “doing a bit of homework” and being open to new experiences.
Chris can be found https://www.linkedin.com/in/pollardchris/

Monday Aug 02, 2021
The Business Diaries Podcast Episode 20 Benita Matofska
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Benita is a renowned speaker and world-leading expert on changemaking, social innovation, the Sharing Economy and author of Generation Share. In this episode, she shares why she is so passionate about changing the way businesses and individuals think and act. This is a jam-packed episode guaranteed to change the way you think, live and do business.
Benita can be found https://www.benitamatofska.com/
Generation Share, is the world's first collection of impactful business models and change-maker stories from around the world, transforming lives and the planet. Each copy is made from 100% waste materials, educates a girl in the slums in Mumbai and plants a tree. To get your copy of Generation Share for just £12.50; order from Policy Press using our special 50% off discount code: apply POMATGS21 at checkout. https://bit.ly/2TzINDo

Thursday Jul 01, 2021
The Business Diaries Episode 19 Hazel Addley
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Hazel Addley is one of the first 16 Energy Alignment Method Mentors in the world. She has coached hundreds of people to grow their businesses, live powerfully and love life.
However, Hazel’s early years were unstable, filled with uncertainty and change. In this episode, she tells the story of her childhood. She shares how living in different places with different family members affected her growing up and into her early adulthood. Until one sentence at a workshop changed everything!
This is a powerful episode touching on resilience, positivity, digging deep and perspective.
Hazel can be found at https://hazeladdleycoaching.com and on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hazeladdleycoach

Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
The Business Diaries Episode 18 Phil Wilson
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Phil Wilson is a professional musician and founder of Inspirational Rhythms at the Medway Drum Studio. He has travelled all over the world with a variety of artistes both known and unknown, and more recently as a percussionist, rhythm event facilitator and professional public speaker. However, it hasn't all been plain sailing! In this inspiring episode Phil candidly shares how a traumatic event in early childhood caused him to stammer which continued well into adulthood. He describes how he coped at school, as a musician and building a business. Until a networking event more recently, prompted him to decide enough was enough. The stammer had to go. This episode is full of hope, courage and reminds us that ‘it’s never too late’.
Phil Wilson can be found http://www.medwaydrumstudio.co.uk/ and on Twitter at @PipDrums

Tuesday May 04, 2021
The Business Diaries Episode 17 Adelle Martin
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
In this episode, Adelle shares how a routine flight to Edinburgh was the final straw and the misdiagnosis of her early menopause as anxiety prompted her to take matters into her own hands and learn why her body was changing and how she could manage those changes.
In the discussion, we consider the changing attitudes towards menopause, how women are talking more openly about their experiences and men are becoming more interested in understanding more, questions to ask yourself and your GP and so much more in this packed episode.
Adelle Martin is a Midlife Transition Coach, on a mission to ensure all women in business understand why their bodies are changing so they can confidently manage their perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause transition alongside their business or corporate career. Adelle can be found at https://executivemidlife.coach/